Monday 18 February 2013

Teacher Feedback

In my teacher opinion I have a good colour sheme but I need to re-consider the lay oiut of my contents page. In order to achive this changes I will need to look at existing magazines to gain a general idea, and find out that conventionally a box lay out is used. The heading of the ‘Features’ is stated and separated in to sections.

Regarding to the text on left hand side my teacher decsribe that in order to improve my contents page I will need to place all page numbers on the same side i.e the left hand side (like your first row).

Also, I havent got  the artist featured on the front cover of my contents page. In my teachers opinion I could imporve my contents page by continuity and the cover artist to be features in the contents stating what page the DPS feature is on.

The main image in my teachers opinion is fine but I need to make it smaller and place it within a frame place it in the top right hand corner where my teacher had drawn a suggested template.

Rebecca Ives

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