Monday, 22 October 2012

Music genre

I have identify and explain my choice of music genre and I will make my music magazine basic on this type of music.
This is the link for created by myslef Prezi, to present why I has choice this specific type of music. My reaserch have include the charts lists, magazines covers and video clips (youtube), as well the explanation of what is the Mainstream genre music.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Main Task and LIIAR Plan of Music Magazine


Main task (Music Magazine): the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine.
All images and text used must be original, produced by the candidate, minimum of FOUR images

Planning of my Music Magazine
This is an explanation of how I am preparing to set the planning for my Music Magazine. Initially, I had decided what type of genre my magazine would be and settled on mainstream music taking inspiration from mostly successful magazines and linked them into one influential music genre. As aid to my plan I will use the acronym of LIIAR analysis.

My magazine is aimed for young and adults with appropriate boundary of age in the reason that I do not want to create a huge gap between audiences, so I will be using modern but professional language. Regarding to this approach I will appeal to large number of audience which I will try to attract.

The main aim of the magazine is to promote the mainstream genre of music. Also, the magazine would be informative on a wide range of connects to the music and aid in integrating the audience/ readers community.

After researching mostly influential and successful companies, I settled my magazine on IPC media as under their name has been appearing many effective magazines such as NME. The types of magazines which this company is settled out are similar to the one which I am planning to make.

My target audience which I have chosen to attract are in range age, between 15 years-old to 25 years-old. I am planning to style my magazine to be provided for young audience and link the age group together rather separate them in the reason of large gap between them. By this I mean that the magazine needs to be clear, understandable and interesting to look at it do not matter of what age person is. 
As mentioned before the magazine supposed to be suitable for young audience and young adults. The overall appearance of the magazine in my opinion should be lay out in simple way and look interesting to the point to draw attention of audience. Moreover, I want to represent my music that I have chosen by base my magazine on it and present it by images and cover lines. This would help the reader with associated themselves with the magazine.

The colours which I choice for front cover, content and double page spread of my magazine will make a link between each other, but contrast on some point with as the front cover is mainly focusing on attracting reader eye, the content page is for easy navigating the reader where is what and where double page spread id more about personality of someone of who is the main article rather than of something else.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Final Cover Page

This is my final cover page of college magazine which I will evaluate with use of LIIAR in next and last task of my Preliminary work.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Final Contents Page

This is my final contents page which I have evaluate basic on my initial contents page. I have change the layout of the headings after I add the photos which I took in college, as there was not enough space for them to be included in the first contents page. Afterward, I added the colours to the headings and masthead (orange and white) which I think will work for both female and male audience. Also, in my final contents page I had added the numbers of initials pages and I create the bright, eye-catching background to interest the target audience attention.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Examples of Framing

This are the framing examples which I am planning to use while I will take my photos, which will be included in my contents page of college magazine.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Initail Contents Page and Cover Magazine

This image is my draft for my final content of college magazine in preliminary task. I have used my research of different layouts and analysis of them to asses myself while I was created this. This idea is a draft like I say below and need to be considering if its need evaluation to improve what need to be change or do be decide is it appropriate and match with my final cover page.


Also, I have create a draft of front cover magazine which I like explained is just initial idea and need to be consider from following to make the result satisfied. I have used the mood board to create my draft, and as well I have used some of the tips from different covers magazines to make my own look like real one.

Preliminary Task

The aim of the preliminary task is to learn and develop already gain skills of using Photoshop and InDesign programs by starting off the preliminary exercises. Also, these types of exercises help me with understanding and using such design programs and learn things about them. Doing the preliminary task will benefit in my developing skills and fully prepare for a final outcome for the main task.

Aimed to the preliminary task I need to produce my own front cover from college magazine and initial content page. I will need to analyse the cover magazine page and content page of any magazine I would choice, this is for me to help myself how to do the cover pages and contents as they are in real, selling magazines. Moreover, I can gather the idea from created mood board for the design which I will choice for my own college magazine cover page.

Subsequently finishing analysing cover page and contents I will move to designing my own front cover and initial content page (for my college magazine task), using the gain ideas of layouts and other things. After finishing those points I will move to taking pictures for my front cover basic on face framing (CU, MCU, MS, and LS/MLS). The next step after taking pictures and prepare them Photoshop to make them look as they from a real magazines I will start to create the rest of the aspects which front cover have; such as masthead, dateline, main image, model credit, cover line, main cover lines, left third, bar code, cover lines and selling line if appropriate. The content page is my initial idea which I will evaluate later, but firstly I will make it as a draft of how I will want it to be look like and what I will want to include in it.

When I have finished I will evaluate the entire preliminary task by explaining and assessing what I will want to improve and what I want to keep.

College Magazine MoodBoard

Mood board is an initials ideas how the magazine’s cover page and contents page looks likes, and from which I will take my final ideas of how I want to my front cover of college magazine look like and as well contents page.


Thursday, 4 October 2012

Initials Ideas Cloud

After going through the chart I have thought about articles for range audience in different age. I want my magazine to be original and also, to applied to variety of students in college. This will help my magazine and also, make it suitable for everyone doesn’t matter of what they study or do. At least one article will related to them, what will create an interest around my magazine as will be appropriate for everyone and as well will meet the target audience.

I will use the neutral colours, appropriate for both females and males and also the simple font style easy to understand and read. The articles will include the photos and images relates to them and to the college magazine, presenting the relevant between articles and college to appeal the audience.