Thursday 18 October 2012

Main Task and LIIAR Plan of Music Magazine


Main task (Music Magazine): the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine.
All images and text used must be original, produced by the candidate, minimum of FOUR images

Planning of my Music Magazine
This is an explanation of how I am preparing to set the planning for my Music Magazine. Initially, I had decided what type of genre my magazine would be and settled on mainstream music taking inspiration from mostly successful magazines and linked them into one influential music genre. As aid to my plan I will use the acronym of LIIAR analysis.

My magazine is aimed for young and adults with appropriate boundary of age in the reason that I do not want to create a huge gap between audiences, so I will be using modern but professional language. Regarding to this approach I will appeal to large number of audience which I will try to attract.

The main aim of the magazine is to promote the mainstream genre of music. Also, the magazine would be informative on a wide range of connects to the music and aid in integrating the audience/ readers community.

After researching mostly influential and successful companies, I settled my magazine on IPC media as under their name has been appearing many effective magazines such as NME. The types of magazines which this company is settled out are similar to the one which I am planning to make.

My target audience which I have chosen to attract are in range age, between 15 years-old to 25 years-old. I am planning to style my magazine to be provided for young audience and link the age group together rather separate them in the reason of large gap between them. By this I mean that the magazine needs to be clear, understandable and interesting to look at it do not matter of what age person is. 
As mentioned before the magazine supposed to be suitable for young audience and young adults. The overall appearance of the magazine in my opinion should be lay out in simple way and look interesting to the point to draw attention of audience. Moreover, I want to represent my music that I have chosen by base my magazine on it and present it by images and cover lines. This would help the reader with associated themselves with the magazine.

The colours which I choice for front cover, content and double page spread of my magazine will make a link between each other, but contrast on some point with as the front cover is mainly focusing on attracting reader eye, the content page is for easy navigating the reader where is what and where double page spread id more about personality of someone of who is the main article rather than of something else.

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