Friday 22 March 2013

Evaluation - Part 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I am aiming to represent the young adult, and upcoming female mainstream artist in the music industry. Regarding, to the stereotype of the professional young women by the social media, is based on that the woman needs to act like a man in order to become a successful body. In my opinion, my magazine Front Cover Page goes with this stereotype, as I have tried to create an atmosphere and image which would appeal to the readers. Also, I am thinking that the majority of population which are the women’s do not think that professional female body needs to act in a male way in order to gain the success. Therefore, I had made the image in black and white what is significant as its represent the professionalism and an adult person, which in this case is my artist. Moreover, as I had presented my artist in a way of being professional, I was still focusing on hers feminine sides which I had shown on the photo. Initially, my magazine was aimed to the both gender audience, however, after finishing my media product I had decided that it would not appeal much to the male target audience, in the reason that my magazine house-style is mostly appealing to the female audience re to the colours and the way in which I had created my magazine.

Also, the articles and other features which are included into my magazine does not suit the male readers, so after concluding I had made a decision that I would change my target audience and direct my magazine to female readers. In addition, I had presented my final decision on my Front Cover and Content Page, as mostly articles and images which appear on both of my pages, shown the females and are mostly focusing on them. Besides, I was hoping that by aiming my magazine to females’ audience, I would allow them to relate themselves with the artist featured on the Front Cover of my magazine. I think that recently my magazine represents more female mainstream industry rather than male. For the reason that, I have included the articles which would appeal more to the females than males and as I have used the model which is in my target audience age, hers image would more attract the young women by identifying themselves with her.

My magazine is representing the young women who do not wanted to be seen as a star but as a person who doing what she loves i.e. music. Mainstream industry is a very large genre which is followed by lots of people, and also has many different types of artists which represent dissimilar personalities and types. For instance, I had looked at artists such as Lady Gaga who is a dark, extraordinary type of person, Pink who is a strong and independent woman, Taylor Swift who creates a country and soft pop music is as well a mainstream artist, seen as good example to follow. Those artists are representing the mainstream music, the type of genre that my magazine represents.  BASs magazine represents adults rather than teenagers, its appearance and style is significant for grown up readers with a huge interest in mainstream music.

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