Friday 22 March 2013

Evaluation - Part 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learned many different things about how to use the Photoshop when I was producing my music magazine. Sooner than I done this project I have never used this type of Photoshop and I had no idea of how I should use it and where is what. At this moment, I have knowledge about different tools, how they work, and what they do. This knowledge help me while I was making my final changes to my music magazine, as this tools help to improve images, text and the overall appearance and effect of my final product.
I have learned how to use the patch tool, which allows selecting an area which has a mark on it, for example the spot on a face. After, selecting the area of a skin in this example, then the mark place can be replaced with another area by dragging highlighted are to the clear bit of a skin. This tool replaces the marked area with a clear area, creating better effect of the image. I have used this tool when I was clearing the skin of the model.
Also, I had learnt how to use the burn tool, which is basally allowing making certain part of the image darker, than they are. For example I had made some of the background areas more darker as they were, because they was stands out and I do not wanted them to be more visible, as the most important on my image is the artist. In order to gain the planning effect of the burn tool I had to adjust the settings available at the top of the screen, to make some adjustments to the image, until I get the planning effect. The exposures setting can be used to adjust the amount of the burning which had occurs and the range will specified the range of tones that is responsible for affecting the image.

Moreover, I had learnt how to use the dodge tool, which is opposite to the burn tool, and is allowing making the particular areas of image lighter. By using this application I could make some adjustments to the top in order to make the effect which I wanted to gain, and also I could change the exposure settings to achieve the planning effect. I have used this tool on my model eyes and a bit of her white clothes to make them more stands out and more visible for reader.

In addition, I have learnt about the tool responsible for levels of the image. This tool is allowing making the image lighter and darker, by making the colours more prominent.
On the Adobe Photoshop I had learnt about layers and how to use them. All of the parts of the final product are include into layers panel, in order to make the access for alters easier. For example, when I wanted to make the changes to the text I could easily get into specific text layer without harming other or altering anything else. After learning how to use the layers panel I hadn't made same mistakes which I made on beginning. Thus, I had included the two different texts into one and while I wanted to move one of them the second was moving as well. This had happened because I had included both texts into same layer. This mistake makes me realize that important is to make sure that all layers are separate from each other.
Furthermore, I had learnt about the quick selection tool and magic wand tool which are responsible for selecting the particular area of the image, for example to delete the background without making any changes to the picture.
Mostly, I had used the tool called eraser, which is deleting the particular areas of image which are unnecessary or crashing the image appearance. I had used this tool on particular area, for example when I wanted to make my model more stand out on Front Cover of my magazine, I had eraser the bit of my logo what made the effect which I wanted.
Besides, I have learnt about using of camera and it different options. Because of this I had achieved better picture quality and I made it fewer out of focus. Therefore, I had also learnt about the blogger as all the contributed parts of the coursework I had been uploaded on it. This allows everyone to access my blog page and also it allowed me to access on different blog pages of different people in order to gain some knowledge about media product and to get some ideas.
Concluding, this knowledge allowed me to make my final product as its look now and made the images more professional then they were on the beginning. The good example to present and prove how I get my final product image is by resenting the before and after pictures from by Double Page Spread and Final Cover Page.

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