Friday 22 March 2013

Evaluation - Part 5

 How did you attract/address your audience?

The demographic table of my music magazine is presenting the particular age group of 15 to 25 years old, males and females. At the beginning my aimed was to this particular age group, however, after consideration I had changed the age group from 16 to 25. In my opinion, this particular age group (females) are not much differing from each other, as they priorities are similar like appearance, socializing and future. By this I mean that most of my target audience are students, who are planning or already become professional bodies. BASs as a magazine is informing the readers about everything what I have mention above, the particular articles focus on specific topics such as fashion, latest news about music, trends, also giving an opportunity to win fantastic prices in competitions, which task is to make readers feel as a part of particular peer group. For example, on my cover page I have used the type of model which would attract the audience re to the make-up and fashion. Also, as my model girl is in the middle of my age group, it would benefit on my magazine as she would appeal to the readers much more.

Moreover, as my model is looking straight into camera, creating direct mood of action she appeals and she is making the contact with a readers by attracting them. After looking back at my questionnaires I have noticed that mostly people who I had asked said that the feminine and strong colours of my house style are catching the attention and they would buy it by looking at the masthead of my media product.

Additionally, I wanted to make sure what people are thing about my model and does she matching the style and genre which I had chosen for my magazine. As I was looking at the answers I make sure that I had made a good choice as they said that she is connecting whit my magazine and she is matching the house style, same as the mainstream music, in the reason that, the model is a type of person who links to the popular music, which is mainstream.

 In my opinion, these features would appeal and attract my target audience. By looking at my target feedback and even the teacher feedback, I feel as I have achieved this and that my magazine lures the readers to buy my magazine.

Besides, I chosen to price my magazine at £3.50, despite the fact that after researching and concluding the audience feedback's  I decide that this price would suit my potential target audience because mostly feedback's proved that more than a half of students are unemployment so they would not be able to afford the magazine with a price over £4 and the minority agreed that the price which I decided to putt as a final, will be able to pay this amount of money on a monthly basis.

Likewise, I am applying to the audience which are young adults, this factor as well as an impact on my final decision as I decided that this amount of money is not much as my magazine would be publishing on a monthly basis, especially that I am applying to the manual skilled working class (C2), which will include people who are working ad earning some income.

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