Friday 22 March 2013

Evaluation - Part 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Initially, I had chosen the IPC as the media institution for my BASs magazine. This institution is produce at the moment just one magazine which is one of the most famous music magazines in the United Kingdom called NME.
Therefore, NME is not much different than main magazine as I had used the initial ideas from this magazine while I was creating my Content Page. The genre of my magazine is a mainstream, while NME is more indie rock and it’s aiming at people in their twenties, similarly to the BASs magazine which is aiming at young adults (16-25 age groups).  IPC Media produces over the 60 iconic media brands, with print alone and reaching almost 2/3 of United Kingdom women and 42% of men (approximately 26 million United Kingdom adults). As they do not produce currently any magazine for teenagers or children, my magazine would be suitable to them expectation, because is not much different than NME one however, have a slightly different target audience and would add to the institution something altered and give the audience a range of choices.
 This particular institution is producing such magazines as Look, Now, Chat and Women which are the types of magazines aimed to the female audience and they do the magazines aimed just for men like Rugby World, Nuts, MouseBreaker and World Soccer. By producing BASs magazine they would start a new sector of mainstream genre which is the most popular type of music with the biggest influence on audience.
Also, as my magazine aiming to the young population of adults, IPC Media institution would gain more new audience to add to their vast collection by producing my magazine. The whole things about IPC magazines is aiming to the adults as they website is very formal and has more writing rather than pictures which are attracting mostly older population, same as my magazine. BASs is created in a grown up way with more information written down than showed by using the pictures, this is relating the style and the way in which IPC is as an institution.
Moreover, my magazine is using the same house-style conventions of three colours (red, white and black), same as the NME magazine which mostly predominate by the black and white colours with additional bright colour. In my opinion my magazine is creative and different by being simply made, this would be an opportunity for the IPC to gain different product to produce then they have now.
In addition, they wouldn’t have to change anything as my magazine is much related to their existing one and as they produce just one music magazine they would prevent competition which my magazine by being similar to they would make after being produced by other media institution.

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