Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Double Page Spread Article

New music, new her, Maya Reed, and her way to Fame


he is painfully predictable. When Maya Reed (20) announces new album – with her group or solo – everybody knows, what they can expect of her. Known is that she will create deep lyrics, and her reflections about life, love, relationships would be optimistic. Yet each of her new albums is a major event in the music industry. And write a songs by her, even if she moves same topics, are original, passionate and worth thoughts. 

You are appreciated artist, you have good relationship with your partner, wonderful family, and on the newest album, and you are singing that world frightened you. Where this fear is coming from?

-I have unpleasant thoughts about what surrounds us. I am observing sad changes in people. People carry in themselves visible fright. Anxiety, depression, addictions testify about it that many of us feel subcutaneously, that over the years they gather the acid, which now starts escape.   

And then even a small detail can lead to the explosion. Why that often we regulate excessive aggression?

-Aggression is appearing as consequence of our grief to the world, and as a form of our fears. They are fueled by the media, which nonstop send us the message ‘you need to be better, change yourselves’, what the subtext is ‘you’re hopeless’. And that people desperately wanted acceptation, they do everything, to gain this module, which is promoted. Additionally they generate large amount of income for firms, which on those desires earns.

And what women’s in specific age group are scared of?

-Passing, that youngest women’s would take them place. In the reason that, there is existing compulsion of being young in every age group, like women would be able to control the nature. This cult of youth is one big lie, which is harmful. And this is one of the evidence for indulgence of stereotypes.

You don’t show the public your personal life, what in recent days is unusual and especially in your age. However, I had seen your photo on gossip website “Reed came out from a shadow”.

-I had been on Victoria Secret fashion show. I decided to take a part in this fantastic show, as there was performing my dear fried Rihanna. However, I hadn’t thought that photographers would see me in the centre of that many more famous stars. They catch me while I had been walking out, and after that many flashings, I realise that this is not what I enjoy or adore.

What kind of features person need have, to live like this: pose, present new dresses, and continually putting selves on opinions of others?

-Evidently, for some type of people, life just then has a sense, when is in the limelight and is commented by public. That like lack of social activity, make the person disappeared. I had heard that popularity is one of the worst habits. I don’t have an opinion about those who life is all about being in the centre, I know that this kind of life is no for me and that I have grow up to the point, of my life, where I am now and where I always wanted to be. I am just hoping that the fame would not become my habit, and that I would not been forgotten.

 What do you think would your future bring you?

-I have huge appetite on life. I am young person and even after my shell will change, I know that still inside I will be young as now.

And about your music, is your age impacting it?

-This question is much more complicated, than its sounds, but I think that in some point indeed. It is not a secret that I am new in this whole world, which I have seen and watch from childhood. Even now I am still surprised about some stuff and all what is going on around me, the fame, like you have called. This in some point impact on my music, however, not as that to start worried me or changes the way in which my songs are interpreted and how I wanted them to be. When I had started mu chapter with music, scene, I had been different; more careless and childish. After realised that there are people which take an example of me and for which I am a role model, I felt a need to change, to don’t let them down. And same as I had changed, my music followed me. Although, it wasn’t radical, I do not move from mainstream to metal or rock; I just started to see things which weren’t bothered me before.

As you said that your music grown up with you, do you mean that now is a time to show the world how you change a new you?

-In some point, yes, but rather than showing how do I have change, I more likely want to show my listeners how this all experiences, survivals, which wasn’t happened without them, aid me in finding my way. And like I had said it, it doesn’t change me or make me a new person, it helps me understand and realise what I want, and who I become.

So, how do your new self, impact on your newest album?

-That’s really good question. I hadn’t seen many changes, as others; however, I know that my lyrics and music gain more passion and true, as they are coming from my own experiences. I wanted to send clear, and straightforward message to my audience and as everyone know, there is also a song dedicated to them, as I am thankful that they being for me for all this time and supported me while I was on my way to fame.

Final Cover Page for my Music Magazine

Final Draft of Content Page

4th Content Page for Music Magazine

4th Draft Front Cover of Music Magazine

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

1st Draft of Content Page for Music Magazine

1st Draft Front Cover of Music Magazine

Music Magazine Reader Profile

This is the address to the existing NME reader profile from which I was drafting my own for my music magazine:

Reader Profile - Audience Research

This is the address to the existing NME reader profile from which I will make a draft of my own reader profile for my music magazine and also, which I will analyse to gain a knowledge which would help me :

I am planning to create the music magazine base on Mainstream genre and so NME reader profile can give me the information on which I could use while creating my own reader profile of my music magazine. Regarding, to the existing NME reader profile I can gather that a typical reader of this magazine likes to drink alcohol of Jack Daniels whiskey, Beck’s and Carling bear, fizzy drinks like Pepsi, and junk food like Snickers. Concerning, that information I have decided to use the similar type of branches i.e. Taboo, Desperados, and Corona bears, Southern Comfort types of alcohol, also the coca-cola (diet) with junky food like Mars and Corny. I have chosen this type of branches and thing regarding to the type of target audience, who my magazine should be appeal and attract.  Moreover, I have gathered that the readers like to shop for clothes from branches as H&M and Topman. Regarding to this information I can assume that the NME s mostly attracting the male audience and as my magazine was created to attract the both gender I will use the branches of both gender fashion shop. I have used the branches as Nike that creates clothes for both gender, Adidas, Zara and many others. In addition, I have included the type of fashion related to the ethnicity and age. As well known the young adults like sporty look and modern I was certain that those branches would attract the target audience of my music magazine. From the rate card I am able to see how much the NME readers spends on separate areas of the magazine, and from concerning those information I can assume approximately how much target audience of my music magazine would be spending on specific parts of magazine.

Digital Mock Ups

This are my digital mock ups, which I had made of existing products following conventions which I had analysis in my LIIAR research. I had chosen two different gender artists which represent different type of music however, still influence and impact on same society.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Photoshop Practice

This are the pictures which we were using to practice the tools of adobe Photoshop, for evaluate our skills when it comes to photoshop main images of Music Magazine.



Also, as I have learned how to operate the tools in Adobe Photoshop programme, I had a go with my main images of front cover. 




Original Images for my Music Magazine

These are the images which I had taken by myself from three different photo sessions for my Music Magazine. The model which I used, I had represented in sure way as it is aimed for music magazine and fro example I have used a guitar which related to the music and show that the magazine has music background. I will edit those photo to make them look more professional and to suit them to be included in my music magazine.

Draft of Double Page Spread for Music Magazine

This is a rough draft of my double page spread for my Music Magazine. I have decided to use an image of landscape which will spread across the two pages and test would be included in right hand side page on the white background which will cut the image in the corner making text more exaggerated and underline as will stands out. Initially, I would plan to make the image in form of black&white to create a classier and periodic appearance. Text would be included in form of columns which are conventional form of righting on double page spread and as well I am planning to make columns read from right to left (opposite), to make it more modern and fashionable. Also, I have decided to include the title in the bottom of the left page to make it more understandable and clearer for audience to know on which article they actually are.  

Draft of Content Page for Music Magazine

This is a rough draft of my content page which I am planning to do for my Music Magazine. I have decided that I will put the title “Content” next to the masthead of my magazine. Below them I am planning to include such detail like my music magazine web page and under the issues date of releasing my magazine. In the bottom right hand corner I will include the page on which content is. Then I had decided to include two main images which in my opinion would suit the page and do not make it too much overloaded. On the left right hand side I will include the cover lines of articles which are the most important in my magazine and put them in form of “features”. Also, I will create “departments” articles which will appear in every magazine of main and additionally, I will tell the audience what they can find interesting “on the other pages”.  The page numbers I had decided to make bigger and stands out from the rest of text which will appear in my content page to instruct audience and make them find everything in easy and clear way.

Draft For Front Cover of Music Magazine

This is a rough draft of how I am planning to layout my Music Magazine front cover and how I am assuming it to look like. I have decided that I will use single image (photography) with a cover line of related story. Also, I want the image to be working in form of background; however, I do not want the cover lines to cover the image. Moreover, I am planning to underline the title by placating it over the main image to make it clearer and highlight it importance (as the magazine). This would make the magazine more effective and stands out as in RolingStones magazine and in some of NME magazines. I have additionally, decided that I will include the bar code at the bottom of the right hand corner, and the date with a price at the top bottom next to the title, to make my magazine look more professional. This is what my initial idea of front cover is look like: 

Initial Ideas based on Market Research