Wednesday 30 January 2013

4th Content Page for Music Magazine


  1. Rachel Bower - Peer Feedback.
    -The way contents is big and bold to let us know what the page is.
    -The way you have got different columns for different subjects such as features, departments, starstruck it gives the reader variety showing a busy magazine.
    - Your image is strong and dominates the page which im guessing shows again who the main article is about.
    Areas for improvement:
    - You could make your headings bolder and bigger such as Features, Departments and Starstruck to show separation from the text as they are the same colours.
    - Maybe use another image where there is room for one in the top right
    -separate each different story with lines so they stand out more.

    Overall I think it is a good contents page. :)

  2. Peer feedback Jamie
    Strengths - Well laid out and simple layout which is easy for the reader to see
    Bold writing which stands out and easy to read
    Improvements - too much blank space fill it with more pages or features
    Separate the different articles so they show that they are different

  3. Katie smith- Peer feed back
    Strengths: The layout is very nice and the text is very easy to read
    The different columns look good for different parts of the text
    Your image looks very dominant which will pull the reader in and it makes it look very attractive
    Areas to improve:
    You could make the headline a lot bigger to draw the audience in and make is stand out more, maybe change the colour so it looks a lot more dominant. Maybe add another image next to some of the text.
