Tuesday 22 January 2013

Reader Profile - Audience Research

This is the address to the existing NME reader profile from which I will make a draft of my own reader profile for my music magazine and also, which I will analyse to gain a knowledge which would help me :http://www.ipcadvertising.com/resource/6dcz2moj66wp0swdpyx5rv3o.pdf

I am planning to create the music magazine base on Mainstream genre and so NME reader profile can give me the information on which I could use while creating my own reader profile of my music magazine. Regarding, to the existing NME reader profile I can gather that a typical reader of this magazine likes to drink alcohol of Jack Daniels whiskey, Beck’s and Carling bear, fizzy drinks like Pepsi, and junk food like Snickers. Concerning, that information I have decided to use the similar type of branches i.e. Taboo, Desperados, and Corona bears, Southern Comfort types of alcohol, also the coca-cola (diet) with junky food like Mars and Corny. I have chosen this type of branches and thing regarding to the type of target audience, who my magazine should be appeal and attract.  Moreover, I have gathered that the readers like to shop for clothes from branches as H&M and Topman. Regarding to this information I can assume that the NME s mostly attracting the male audience and as my magazine was created to attract the both gender I will use the branches of both gender fashion shop. I have used the branches as Nike that creates clothes for both gender, Adidas, Zara and many others. In addition, I have included the type of fashion related to the ethnicity and age. As well known the young adults like sporty look and modern I was certain that those branches would attract the target audience of my music magazine. From the rate card I am able to see how much the NME readers spends on separate areas of the magazine, and from concerning those information I can assume approximately how much target audience of my music magazine would be spending on specific parts of magazine.

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